Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Waffles the Cat

*Waffles the cat*
My friend just got a scottish fold kitten, so I doodled him :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Scritch Scritch

*scritch scritch*
This little birdie likes to be rubbed. *scritch scritch* :D

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


"Where did you come from?"

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat!
Yeti and Pygmy penguins dressing up for halloween. This is for Vuduberi's Halloween wallpapers :) Download your wallpaper here!

Sea foam

"...and she would change into the foam of the sea"

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Random doodle...

Thursday, September 22, 2011



I was doodling and got carried away. I started to add little patterns and then I kept adding and adding. It's a very unplanned piece lol. I did want her to have a specific expression though... like she's kind of sad and about to undo her hair.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A horse and a fish

A centaur, a mermaid, and a message in a bottle.

Most of the time, I tend to like my sketches more than the finished pieces. I think the rough sketches usually retain the feeling that I originally wanted when I draw more. Sometimes after spending so long trying to clean things up and making them perfect, it seems like that feeling gets lost in the process. This is another one of those rough sketches, that initially I was going to just do a color study. I knew that I wanted this to be muted with limited color range and a strong hue. At the same time, I wanted to make sure my values are good. After all that learning, I still couldn't really do it right T_T. Sigh. I'll try again on the next piece.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011



Maybe better with a little more attitude?

I don't smoke. I dislike cigarettes smell and too much incense kind of give me a headache. However, I always like to stare at the smoke whenever an incense is lit. it looks so cool >_<. Most of the artists that I know can draw smoke very well. I'm actually not very good at it, but hmm after this maybe I should practice, so I can draw them well too lol.

*I thought it'd look more interesting if she looks as if she's about to say something like "Don't mess with me, darling~" lol. Hence, the 2nd version.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Plip's history

Plips are white little birds that I drew on a poster in 2004. Most of the people that saw or bought those posters always said that they liked the birds the most. I used to think it's so funny because I spent so much time on the rest of the poster, but almost everyone commented on the birds first.
See the white birds in the back?

... so I made a mini sculpture when I was bored.

About two years later, I was thinking of making them into plushes. Sadly at the time, I really didn't know where to go look for a good plush making company etc etc. I still did made some designs for them in the end. I've never post this before. it's very unlikely that these will ever be made now, so here's what the designs look like. I played around with different wings design, but still tried to keep it simple. I still don't know which style one I'd have chosen in the end. I even designed the packaging. They were to be sold in little cardboard cages that's easily popped up and assembled at the booth. Isn't that cute? :p
Can't decide

Palm size

Rough Package idea

Last year, I brought Plips back as little flipbook notepads. They're in Vuduberi's Etsy shop * Plip's animated notepad* This one trying to learn how to fly :) Here are some sketches and mock ups.
Bounce Test

Bounce color

Sadly, Plips were never made into plushes :(. However last year, I did end up designing Pygmy Penguins, and those were made into plushes. There were 1000 of them, and they're almost all sold out! :) Say hello to my Pygmy Penguins:

The end <3

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Albino-ish mermaid

Monday, August 22, 2011


I just got a Tumblr account. At the moment, I like it even more than blogger for posting artworks. I really like the thumbnails gallery that it generates for the archive. It's so sexy <3 Check it out!!!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pensive & Portrait

Polar Bear spirit hood power! Alan gave me a spirit hood for my birthday :D I love it. *Polar bear dances* Here are some quick sketches.



Monday, August 15, 2011

Sketch - Squiggly Masked thing

Pushing the figure. The background looked empty so I filled it up with weird stuff.

Squiggly wiggly sketch

more "IN MY POCKET" toys

More old works from "IN MY POCKET" toy line by MEG ("PUPPY", "KITTY", and "PONY").  I designed these mini figurine toys a while back. It's so cool to see them in toy stores all over the world.  I actually saw some of them in a toy store in Italy when I went to visit there. Mondo TV in Italy made an animation out of the Puppy line.  Last I heard, they've sold over 200 million toys, so I'm glad that they are popular and kids liked the way they look :).   Here are some of the toys, not everything because this is already long enough lol. People do like the puppies and always asked me to show more though. It's fun to try to find your favorite breed.



I also worked on a Lego project, but it's not out yet, so that one is still confidential.   I think the designs are super great. Lego team was extremely nice <3. I shall post stuff up after they toys are released :).

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Angry & Troll

Some pages from my sketchbook recently.

Alan came to visit, so we went to Royal-T cafe. He was working on his laptop (programming), and I was drawing in my sketchbook. I tend to draw either happy or sad faces, so I wanted to try playing around with angry expressions, but it ended up being playful anyways lol. As I was drawing the picture below, I asked Alan:
Me: Hey~ What kind of sword is good for hacking off people's ... um.. head?"
*looks up because the waitress happened to be at our table to ask if we'd like anything else.
I think I scared her slightly.
Him: A machet is good. *back to programming*
Off with your head!

Angry moments

And he said I'm a troll! I'm not a troll! I've never really drawn an ugly troll either, so I tried. I don't think he's all that ugly though. Maybe I should've added some warts and made his face more warped @_@.. oh well~ The next conversation went like this:
Me: What does a troll look like?
Him: You.
Me: *blink blink* D:

Saturday, August 13, 2011


These are from the "IN MY POCKET" toy line by MEG including "Jungle", "Ocean", "Farm", and "Zoo". I designed mini figurine toys for MEG a while back. Since they've been out on the market for a while now, I can finally post some of them. There are way too many @_@.